Move beyond who you are into the legend you are meant to be!
Does the version of you (in your head) match the real-life you? Why not? Take 30 minutes or more with my online masterclasses to unlock your potential with expert-guided courses in life, love, and health. Become the most empowered you that you can be!

James van der Merwe
"Thank you for allowing me to dream big once again"

Serina Patel
"I was able to tap into my purpose, and I feel refreshed and motivated"

Cheryl Grover
"Thank you for broadening my horizons and allowing me to experience peace. I got answers"

Goal Setting Techniques
Learn some not-so-average tips in this 6-part video series (only 30 minutes in total)!
"It was such a short and sharp training session on Goal Setting Techniques. A few concepts were completely new to me. Thank you for such a wonderful session!" - Muthamizh Selvan S
I'M IN, DR D!Bring Dr. D to Your Event!
Do you have a group or business event that needs a speaker? If you are in the South African region and would love to attend one of my masterclasses or workshops in person, drop me a line.

Caren Pretorius
"Today was a powerful new beginning to a new adventure!"

Caryn Rich
"Loving the energy! Thank you for your passion and insight!"

Rich Follett
"The Little Guide to Big Happiness is a rare gem...one of the most delightful, succinct, practical guides for transforming self-doubt"
Launching in 2025!
Take control of your inner challenges with these comprehensive 8-week courses using Active Imagination.

Turn Your Inner Bully into an Ally

Dialogue with Your Disease
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